Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Weather & Packing

April is reported to be one of the hottest months in Bangalore.  I just checked the weather today and it is currently 96°F.  Definite packing items are sunscreen, sunglasses, my battery-operated fan with extra batteries, and Summer clothing.  One of the India Expats working at our office recommended that I bring an umbrella to shade myself from the sun.  Right now that is on the “questionable” list because the only time I ever use an umbrella is in the rain and the one I have is black, but I just might regret not bringing one once I am there.

Other important items on my packing list include:
  •  Immodium, Sudafed and other medicines
  •  Lots of snacks from Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market!
  • Gifts for the team
  • Mosquito Repellent
  • Small calculator that fits in my moneybelt for calculating exchange rates
  • Flashlight due to power outages that are quite common in Bangalore and because we will be working from 5:30pm until 2:30am India Standard Time
  •  Hand sanitizer and extra toilet paper (which I've been told has to be placed in a designated “receptacle” because it cannot be flushed)
If anyone has other suggestions for useful items to bring, please let me know.

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