Friday, April 20, 2012

Flight #216 departing soon...

I am now at the airport waiting in the business class lounge at LAX.  My suitcase ended up being 47.6 pounds, mostly filled with snacks, supplies for work, and gifts.  About 4 pounds of it is chocolate since the people in India love milk chocolate and you can never bring enough.  Utilizing my expert packing skills, I thankfully was able to fit everything into one suitcase although it was quite a challenge. Business class travelers on Emirates can check a maximum of 2 bags weighing up to 70 pounds each, but I can't imagine bringing luggage that weighs more than I do.

I took my first-ever malaria pill today (Atovaquone/Proguanil also known as Malarone), which the pharmacist advised to take with food or milk because it can upset your stomach.  I have 22 more.   I have to take one pill before I go, one pill each day in India, and 1 pill for 7 days after returning.  The photo below looks like sudafed but they are larger & pinkish-brown.  The nurse gave me the choice of malaria pills to take for 1 week after returning (Malarone) or for 4 weeks after returning (doxycycline).  I obviously chose the one week.  I set up a recurring appointment in Outlook to remind me via my Blackberry to take it - and my vitamins & probiotics - each day.  I realized that since I am going to a country with a malaria risk, I will be prohibited from donating blood for one year.

Atovaquone malaria pills

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