Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Video Directions

I leave this Friday, April 20 at 4:45pm from LAX on Emirates Airlines #216 to Bangalore via Dubai for my 20-hour journey, not including a 2-hour stop in Dubai.  We arrive on Sunday, April 22 at 3:00am.  I know that I will be very grateful for being able to fly business class.  We will be staying at Palm Meadows (www.palmmeadowsclub.com) in Bangalore which came highly recommended by several colleagues, and it is frequented by many Expats in India.  Depending upon traffic, it is about 15-30 minutes from the Tesco HSC offices.  One of the most interesting parts of the hotel’s website is their “Location Maps and Directions” page where you can select nearby points of interest.  Not only does it give directions, but there is a video of the actual streets on the route to get there, along with a moving dot on the map representing your location.  It looks like the video was taken by someone on a motorbike or from the roof of a car because there is no windshield visible.  I must admit that I was quite scared watching the video at times because it is going quite fast and there are several near-misses with pedestrians wandering across the road and other cars or motorcycles.

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