Saturday, April 14, 2012

Snacks & Bhuja

Many people have been asking whether I am excited about going to India – including the friendly guy at Jamba Juice the other day when we struck up a conversation as I ordered my favorite 16 oz Mango Mantra – and at this point, I have to admit that my excitement is still muted.  I am in my “focused mode” where I need to use all of my energy and waking hours to complete the key items on my list including several major assignments for work.  I am sure that my enthusiasm will grow once I am packed and on my way to the airport.

It seems that the one advice that was consistent amongst the people who have travelled to India before is: Bring lots of snacks!  So I went to the Burbank Fresh & Easy to pick up some wheat crackers (the F&E version of Wheat Thins that is just as good but for much less), beef jerky, protein bars, trail mix, and something called Bhuja.  I was drawn to the shiny red bag of Bhuja because it touts itself as “an Indian family favorite” and "a tasty, wholesome snack that's great for a nibble anytime."  With a dazzling description like that, how could I not buy it for my trip to India?  I will let you know what it tastes like, and I might even ask some people in India whether it is their family's favorite!  If anyone has tried Bhuja before, please post a comment even if you are not of an Indian family.

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