Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Additional Photos of India

Heliconia Flowers at Palm Meadows

3 People on Motorbike including Young Boy

"Use Me" Rubbish Can

A Cow Outside Mysore Palace
Boy Still Trying to Sell Us Things as our Van Exits Parking Lot
Tent Coverings Where Some People Live
No Horn

Our Driver Getting a Ticket for Cell Phone Use
Pictures from left to right:
1) There are many pretty flowers at Palm Meadows which my Mom would love since they also grow in Hawaii.
2) It is common to see 3-4 people on a motorbike or moped including small children either sitting or standing at the front or an infant being held in their mother's arms.  Typically the man driving will be wearing a helmet since there is a helmet law, although the man in this photo is not, and the usually passenger (often a woman) will not be.
3) Some of the rubbish cans here - if you can find one - have the words "Use Me" on them; however, given the amount of litter everywhere, many people are not following this directive.  Maybe if it said, "Please Use Me"??
4) Cows are sacred in India because they are considered a god, so most people do not eat beef.  Ironically, this cow was eating the trash outside of Mysore Palace.  This proves my point above about the usage of rubbish cans.
5) A boy persistently trying to sell us sandalwood fans through the window as our van was exiting the parking lot of Mysore Palace.
6) A photo of some tents where people live.  We also saw an entire field of "homes" constructed out of corrugated aluminum sheets.
7) There are signs that indicate "No Horn" but no one notices them nor complies.
8) Photo taken out the back window of our driver getting a ticket for cell phone use from a motorcycle cop (see my April 29 post for more details).

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