Thursday, May 3, 2012


A couple months ago, when I decided to write my first blog, I figured that India was the perfect opportunity... and it was. Whenever I travel, I always carry a journal to document my experiences because I enjoy reading it later and recalling fond memories. One of the advantages of a blog is being able to easily share photos alongside descriptions to make the experience come alive. Each day, I have tried to share something unique and interesting about India, although I have always known that my view of "interesting and unique" can be very different from others! :) Those who have been following my blog may never have the opportunity to visit India (or may never want to!), but I hope that through the thoughts and pictures I have shared, you now feel a little closer to the culture of India and its people. 

My niece Maddie has been regularly following my blog, and after she read about the cows wandering in the road, she asked, "If the cows roam around, what if it goes into one of the stores?"  That was so wonderfully funny.  It also reminded me of my co-worker who visited India a few years back.  He tells the story that he was checking his Blackberry in the back seat of the car, when he looked up and suddenly noticed that a cow was looking into the window.  He said, "Holy cow!" His driver replied, "Yes, the cows here are very holy."

After I sign-on to my blog account using Google Blogger, I can view statistics of not only how many times my blog was viewed (517 total views), but it also shows me the countries where they can identify that someone viewed my blog.  I was surprised to see that there are 20 pageviews in Russia and 1 in Germany.  It is both fascinating and scary what type of information they can collect.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have never gone through a blog before but I have to admit that it's quite interesting.
