Friday, May 4, 2012

Semiya Bhath & Dosa

Since it was my final day, I went to breakfast because I knew my favorite waiter, Siva, would be looking for me.  I decided to try some Semiya Bhath that looked like plain verimicelli with some julienned vegetables.  It appeared harmless, but looks can be deceiving - it turned out to be the spiciest thing I have ever tasted! My mouth was on fire the moment I ate it, and it lingered for a long while, even after drinking some orange juice.  The waiter said, "It is cooked with chilies, but it is not very spicy." Maybe not for him. :) He then asked if I wanted to try dosa which is a rice pancake that he would have specially made from the kitchen since it is not a part of the breakfast buffet.  When it arrived, it didn't look anything like I was expecting (see below left).  It was huge and reminded me of a crepe. You tear off a piece and eat it with chutney.  It was quite good but it was just so much, and I wanted to make sure the plate looked like I ate it.  Too bad my co-workers were not around.  I was so stuffed. 
Before and...

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