Friday, May 4, 2012

Reflections Upon India

As I was reflecting upon my 2 weeks here, I thought to myself that this trip represents "the joy of travelling", meaning that, to me, whenever you visit another city or country and you do not return unchanged, it means that the journey was worthwhile.  I believe that one of the most powerful gifts that travel can offer us is a change in perspective of how we view the world and the framework of our daily lives... but only if we allow the experience to transform us.  It is interesting how two people can visit the same place at the same time, and one person can walk away with very little except some nice photos & a few trinkets, while the other person leaves feeling changed from within.  I guess the difference in the two experiences is that we have to be open to looking outside of ourselves and our circumstances.  In simply trying to keep up with our jam-packed schedules, we often get wrapped up in the busyness of our daily lives. This experience made me realize that I have a long way to go in being able to truly see others the way God sees them.  It took a journey 9,034 miles away to the other side of the world for me to realize this.

Coming here, I was not quite sure what to expect, and India was merely a distant place whose images were formed in my mind based upon descriptions & stories I heard from co-workers and friends.  I now leave grateful to God for the opportunity to see and experience a country so unlike my own.  The memories of the kindness of the many people I met here will remain ever with me.

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